Planned Giving
Wills & Estate Planning
Remember GRACE Cares in your estate planning. You may leave a gift in your will. Please let us know if you have included us so that we may thank you.
Annuity Giving
We have partnered with the Vermont Community Fund to facilitate annuity giving:
“Establishing a Charitable Gift Annuity allows you and/or your beneficiaries to receive guaranteed income for life, benefit from an immediate income tax deduction, and leave a legacy that will support the causes you care about. Payments are based on your age, and you may choose to defer receiving annuity payments.
After your death, the remainder of the gift may be used to establish a named charitable fund or be added to an existing fund.”
Contact: To discuss further you can contact GRACE Cares at 802-254-8084 or contact the Vermont Community Fund directly at 802-388-3355 or